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St. Peter's Church of England Primary School

Hand in Hand we journey together, guided by God

Ethos & Values

To ensure that our school vision and Christian ethos remains central to all that we do at St Peter’s, our work is firmly built around six key Christian values:







These values form strong foundations which in turn unlock a final value, friendship.  Our values are explored with the children in collective worship, in class and widely across school in everyday life.  Our Golden Key to Good Learning Behaviour  is rooted in these values and children and adults are expected  to reflect upon these when making choices about their actions.  As a Church of England School, and in accordance with our Christian Ethos, we are all encouraged to learn from our mistakes.

My child has thoroughly enjoyed their time at St. Peter’s and this is totally down to the dedication of the whole staff and ethos that the school exhumes. 

Parent Comment

The overarching aim of our Behaviour for Learning Policy is to create a safe and positive environment where all learners can realise our vision and become positive, responsible and increasingly independent members of the school community, reflecting our Christian values in their behaviour.  For more information, please visit the Behaviour and Safety page of our website.