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St. Peter's Church of England Primary School

Hand in Hand we journey together, guided by God


Assessment and feedback are at the heart of good classroom practice at St. Peter’s.  There are three broad forms of assessment used, each with their own purpose and value: Assessment for Learning (AfL); Assessment of Learning (AoL); and Nationally Standardised Summative Assessments.

At the end of Key Stage 2 (Year 6), pupils take statutory Assessment Tests (SATs) in reading, mathematics, and grammar, punctuation, and spelling (GPS).  Results are reported as scaled scores, with 100 representing the expected standard.  Scores below 100 indicate a pupil is working towards the expected standard, while scores above 100 show they are working at or above it.

Since the introduction of the new assessments in 2016, results have varied.  No national assessments were held in 2020 or 2021 due to the global pandemic.  In addition, the Department for Education advised that it is not possible to calculate KS1-KS2 progress scores for academic years 2023/24 and 2024/25 due to their being no previous KS1 baseline available.

At St. Peter’s, only 13 pupils sat the end of year Key Stage 2 assessments in 2024 with 1 pupil equating to almost 8% of the overall result.  In a large three form entry primary school each child would equate to approximately only 1%.The table below shows both the percentage of Year 6 pupils achieving the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics, and those attaining a higher level.  2023 results are shown in brackets.


Pupils Achieving Expected Standard

Higher Standard of Attainment

Average Scaled Score


54% (71%)

31% (29%)



 69% (71%)

 31% (29%)

Teacher Assessment


  46% (86%)

  31% (29%)


RWM Combined

38% (71%)

23% (29%)


School performance tables provide only a snapshot of a school’s work.  At St. Peter’s, we focus on nurturing the whole child.  In small schools like ours, results can vary significantly year to year due to the performance of a few pupils - a well-documented trend in similar settings.

That said, we remain incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication shown by both our staff and children every year.  Other results from across the school that were reported in July 2024 include: Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) where 69% achieved a ‘Good Level of Development’; and phonics where  79% of Year 1 pupils and 50% of those reassessed in Year 2 met the expected standard.  Well done to all!  

Every year statutory and in-house attainment and progress data is carefully scrutinised by leaders in order to identify strengths and areas for improvement. There is a clear focus on cohorts, key groups and individuals across the school. Where appropriate, key areas are then strategically targeted through the annual school improvement plan. 

For more information about school performance, please follow this link:

School and College Performance Tables