St. Peter's Curriculum
Intent: At St. Peter’s we inspire a passion for learning. Our continually evolving, rich curriculum endeavours to respond to the needs of our pupils, whilst reflecting the dynamic world in which we live.
Through our cross-curricular approach, we strive to unlock the potential inside each and every unique individual by providing opportunities for all pupils to Achieve and do the very best they can; Believe in the Christian ethos of our school and themselves as unique individuals; and Create a happy, healthy and successful future equipping them with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to become global, national and local citizens, well-prepared to face the challenges of life. This is achieved through an immersive themed curriculum built upon the following key principles:
We strongly believe that our broad and balanced curriculum at St. Peter’s goes beyond the statutory requirements of both the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and National Curriculum.
Our subject leaders are responsible for mapping out the curriculum for their area and for ensuring it is taught effectively reflecting our overarching curriculum intent, shared vision and values. Class teachers plan the delivery in their classroom exploring links between subjects developing knowledge, skills and understanding through interconnected themes.
Due to our mixed age classes, our curriculum themes rotate on a two or three-year cycle, taking into consideration a number of factors including: the needs and previous experiences of a year group; key international events such as the Olympics; the local environment; and community.
Not only do teachers plan and deliver a wide range of activities as part of classroom learning, but pupils also benefit from visits, visitors, leadership opportunities and a wide range of extra-curricular activities during and after school. Many sporting and enrichment activities take place across the year due to several partnerships including Mid-Sussex Active, NEARS (North-East Area Rural Schools) and Ardingly College. All of these contribute to the learning, development and well-being of our children, and enrich life at St. Peter’s CE Primary School.
Our curriculum themes for 2024-25 are as follows:
Autumn B2 |
Spring B2 |
Summer B2 |
KS1 (Y2) |
A Grand Adventure Greenfinch Overview
Cuckoo Overview |
Pole to Pole Greenfinch Overview
Cuckoo Overview |
A Grand Exhibition Greenfinch Overview
Cuckoo Overview |
Lower KS2 (Y3/4) |
Under Attack Robin Overview |
Chariots of Fire (Romans & Volcanoes) Robin Overview |
The Great Exhibition Robin Overview
Swallow Overview |
Upper KS2 (Y5/6) |
Life Changing Moments Swallow Overview |
Our Changing Earth Swallow Overview |
At the beginning of each term, class teachers send out a curriculum letter which provides further details of the wonderful cross-curricular learning planned. Children are also given a Homework Menu at this time from which they are able to choose activities to complete at home. This enables parents and carers to clearly see the links between homework tasks and what is being covered in the class. The curriculum letters for each class can be found clicking the link in the table above when they become available.
To find out more about the theme specific to each class and how this fits with the requirements of the National Curriculum, click on the appropriate overview heading in the table above. To find out more about the specific disciplines of our curriculum and progression, please follow the subject links on the righthand side of the page. The long term planning overviews below provide information regarding the curriculum cycles specific to each key stage.
long term planning overview cuckoo
download_for_offlinelong term planning overview cuckoo
- long term planning overview greenfinch download_for_offline
download_for_offlinelong term planning overview greenfinch
- long term planning overview robin swallow download_for_offline
download_for_offlinelong term planning overview robin swallow
- long term planning overview greenfinch download_for_offline