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St. Peter's Church of England Primary School

Hand in Hand we journey together, guided by God


Children are eligible to start school at the beginning of the academic year in which they will have their fifth birthday. Every year, we welcome up to 20 new pupils into our Reception year at St. Peter’s. This is our agreed admission number with West Sussex County Council.

Most children start school full-time in September.  If parents think that their child is not socially, emotionally or physically ready to start school, they can start later - as long as they are in full-time education by the time they reach ‘compulsory school age’.

Staff at St. Peter’s are happy to consult with parents and carers over the most appropriate starting arrangements for their child to best support transition and the promotion of home school partnership.  It is important to note that if parents are considering a delayed start, they still need to apply for a school place at the same time as everyone else.

During the Autumn term we hold a series of open mornings which prospective parents are encouraged to attend. Please contact the school office for more information, or if you would like to arrange a visit. 

All admissions, including in-year admissions for those families looking to move schools, are dealt with thought the admissions office in Horsham. If you would like to apply for a place, please follow this link; 


For further information regarding our admissions arrangements please read the attached admissions policy. 

Adobe PDF icon Admissions Policy